
All stock goods and orders received before 14.00 are despatched the same day (all weekdays). Delivery time is 2-4 days depending on which European country it is.
For express delivery, orders must be received by 09:00 on the same day - all weekdays!

In the basket, it is possible to consistently check how much it will cost to deliver your reserved items.

Confetti-World.com has excellent agreements with GLS and DB Schenker on transport of our products to our customers. 

Confetti-World.com does not wish to profit from our carriage charges and you will have your items delivered at the cheapest price possible.

Confetti-World.com also gives you an opportunity to pick up the items yourself on our address in Slagelse, Danmark. The items must be collected within 8 days from the date of purchase.

Carriage charges Business GLS 1-50 kg.:

Freight 0-5 kg.   19,20 Euro
Freight 5-10 kg.  24,30 Euro
Freight 10-15 kg. 31,95 Euro
Freight 15-20 kg. 38,12 Euro
Freight 20-30 kg. 55,98 Euro
Freight 30-40 kg. 63,49 Euro
Freight 40-50 kg. 72,08 Euro

Carriage charges Business DB Schenker pallet prices:

Freight 1/4 pallet  Max. 120kg/1,2m, 128,00 Euro
Freight 1/2 pallet  Max. 350kg/1,4m, 168,00 Euro
Freight 1/1 pallet  Max. 500kg/2,1m, 195,00 Euro

The prices are ex. value addes tax (VAT)

If you have any questions concerning freight, always feel free to contact us.